In some Swiss cities as Zurich, Geneva and Lausanne is very difficult.
Many people are searching an Apartment in these cities, the demande is very high. Some of the reasons are the Universities, the Multinational companies and the economical growth.
How to get an apartment easily?
If you just arrived in the country, it’s better to start by a furnished Apartment for one month or 2.
If you are living in the country and you want to change your Apartment, then start by informing your friends and your colleagues at work of your intention.
Check the professional paltforms as Homegate, Immobilier, Realadvisor and why not Anibis and Immoscout.
Present your documents (ID, Poursuite and the 3 last salary slips) to the Agency or the landlord, we recommend to write a motivation letter and present yourself and why the Apartment interests you.